
American Harvest

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American Harvest is set in the heartland of Kansas. Two proud, stubborn families have not spoken to one another because of an incident in the distant past. Wayne Rogers, the patriarch of one of the families, is in danger of losing his wheat farm. He knows that his land will be saved if he patches things up with rival farmer Earl Holliman, but such a reconciliation is out of the question.

Mali Finn, Wayne Rogers, Lynn Stalmaster, Wayne Rogers, Earl Holliman, Christopher Young, Mariclare Costello, Fredric Lehne, Joe Fineman, Matt McCoy, Byron 'Buzz' Brandt



American Harvest


American Harvest is set in the heartland of Kansas. Two proud, stubborn families have not spoken to one another because of an incident in the distant past. Wayne Rogers, the patriarch of one of the families, is in danger of losing his wheat farm. He knows that his land will be saved if he patches things up with rival farmer Earl Holliman, but such a reconciliation is out of the question.


1 hr 33 min