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Frustrated by her high pressure job and an underwhelming love life, the daughter of a wealthy real-estate broker is easily seduced by a younger man. Taken by his confidence and piercing, dangerous eyes, she submits when he leads her to a BDSM club and introduces her to a world of whips, chains, and domination. But when the young man begins to physically and mentally abuse the her and stalk her younger daughter, she uses her newly awakened sexual prowess to take charge of her own life and turn the tables on her aggressor.

Charisma Carpenter, David Michael Latt, Paul Bales, Bryce Draper, Gerald Webb, Daniel Baldwin, David Rimawi, Morgan Obenreder, Michael Monks, Jared Cohn

Jared Cohn




Drama Thriller

Frustrated by her high pressure job and an underwhelming love life, the daughter of a wealthy real-estate broker is easily seduced by a younger man. Taken by his confidence and piercing, dangerous eyes, she submits when he leads her to a BDSM club and introduces her to a world of whips, chains, and domination. But when the young man begins to physically and mentally abuse the her and stalk her younger daughter, she uses her newly awakened sexual prowess to take charge of her own life and turn the tables on her aggressor.


1 hr 30 min