
Chairman of the Board

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An all-star cast rides the wave of success with comedian Carrot Top who stars as "Edison" in this wacky comedy about a gadget inventor who inherits a Fortune 500 corporation. Having blown his roommates rent money on get-rich-quick schemes, Edison is forced to find a job before they're evicted by their fed-up landlady (Estelle Harris of "Seinfeld"). A failure of everything, Edison heads to the beach where he meets fellow inventor and corporate big-wig Armand McMillan (Jack Warden). When Armand dies and leaves his invention company to Edison, it would seem he's landed his dream job. There's only one problem: Armand's nephew Bradford (Larry Miller), who vows to get even after he inherits nothing but his uncle's surfboard, Edison soon discovers that running a corporation is no easy task, but with the help of Raquel Welch and Courtney-Thorne Smith ("Ally McBeal"), he just might ride that wave all the way to the top.

Carrot Top, Aaron Osborne, Courtney Thorne-Smith, Turi Meyer, Larry Miller, Turi Meyer, Raquel Welch, Alfredo Septién, Alfredo Septién, Mystro Clark

Alex Zamm



Chairman of the Board


An all-star cast rides the wave of success with comedian Carrot Top who stars as "Edison" in this wacky comedy about a gadget inventor who inherits a Fortune 500 corporation. Having blown his roommates rent money on get-rich-quick schemes, Edison is forced to find a job before they're evicted by their fed-up landlady (Estelle Harris of "Seinfeld"). A failure of everything, Edison heads to the beach where he meets fellow inventor and corporate big-wig Armand McMillan (Jack Warden). When Armand dies and leaves his invention company to Edison, it would seem he's landed his dream job. There's only one problem: Armand's nephew Bradford (Larry Miller), who vows to get even after he inherits nothing but his uncle's surfboard, Edison soon discovers that running a corporation is no easy task, but with the help of Raquel Welch and Courtney-Thorne Smith ("Ally McBeal"), he just might ride that wave all the way to the top.


1 hr 35 min