
Ghost House

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A young couple, Jim and Julie, are vacationing in Thailand where Julie falls in love with photographing small shrines called “Ghost Houses.” After visiting the countryside where many of the shrines are discarded, Julie is increasingly plagued by visits from a malevolent spirit that threatens both her sanity and her life. After Julie is frozen in a state of terror, Jim must find a way to lift the curse before he loses Julie to the ghost world forever.

Kevin Ragsdale, Scout Taylor-Compton, Shannon Makhanian, James Landry Hébert, Alan Pao, Mark Boone Junior, Michael S. New, Kulthep Narula, Elana Krausz, Rich Ragsdale

Rich Ragsdale



Ghost House

Horror Thriller

A young couple, Jim and Julie, are vacationing in Thailand where Julie falls in love with photographing small shrines called “Ghost Houses.” After visiting the countryside where many of the shrines are discarded, Julie is increasingly plagued by visits from a malevolent spirit that threatens both her sanity and her life. After Julie is frozen in a state of terror, Jim must find a way to lift the curse before he loses Julie to the ghost world forever.


1 hr 39 min