
Hostage X

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A confused man wakes up, locked in a strange room, with absolutely no memory of who he is, or how he ended up in this situation. He is being held captive by a bunch of armed mercenaries, but as they don’t speak English he struggles to piece the puzzle together. Meanwhile, a mysterious girl fights her way to get to him, but can he trust her when he doesn’t remember a thing? With the clock ticking, he must figure out what is going on before it is too late.

Jason London, Paul Ruven, Stefanie Joosten, Mark Gaspercic, Lua Helenklaken, Richard Messina, Ergün Şimşek

Paul Ruven



Hostage X


A confused man wakes up, locked in a strange room, with absolutely no memory of who he is, or how he ended up in this situation. He is being held captive by a bunch of armed mercenaries, but as they don’t speak English he struggles to piece the puzzle together. Meanwhile, a mysterious girl fights her way to get to him, but can he trust her when he doesn’t remember a thing? With the clock ticking, he must figure out what is going on before it is too late.


1 hr 17 min