
Paris Hilton Inc.: The Selling of Celebrity

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We are drowning in celebrity culture and certainly no tabloid topic has been as big as Paris Hilton. Her incarceration and subsequent release, then re-incarceration and her ultimate release once again-left us submerged knee-deep in the twists and turns of her life. Famous for doing nothing, she's the ultimate manifestation of our obsession with celebrity culture and the massive profits that it wields. As long as we are willing to watch and read, who can resist feeding our habit?

Ann-Marie MacDonald, Rita Kotzia, Rita Kotzia, Paris Hilton, Nicky Hilton, Cynthia Banks, Kathy Hilton, Cynthia Banks, David Carr

Cynthia Banks



Paris Hilton Inc.: The Selling of Celebrity


We are drowning in celebrity culture and certainly no tabloid topic has been as big as Paris Hilton. Her incarceration and subsequent release, then re-incarceration and her ultimate release once again-left us submerged knee-deep in the twists and turns of her life. Famous for doing nothing, she's the ultimate manifestation of our obsession with celebrity culture and the massive profits that it wields. As long as we are willing to watch and read, who can resist feeding our habit?


0 hr 49 min