
Road to Singapore

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The 1940's hottest movie trio - Bob Hope, Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour - chart a course for comedy and romance in Road to Singapore. Running out on his stuffy desk job and marriage-minded girlfriend, Josh Mallon (Crosby) links up with sailor-buddy Ace (Hope) and sets sail for the farthest point on the map - Singapore. On the exotic island of Kaigoon, they meet Mima (Lamour), a lovely young dancer cruelly dominated by her whip-cracking partner-fiance (Anthony Quinn). Josh and Ace rescue Mima, who moves into their shack, cooks, cleans, sings - and quickly becomes the object of their wise-cracking war for her affections. A top grosser of 1940, Singapore was the initial entry in the legendary Hope-Crosby-Lamour Road series that delighted movie-goers for over 20 fun-filled years.

Edith Head, Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour, Hans Dreier, Bob Hope, John Cope, William C. Mellor, Charles Coburn, Judith Barrett, Victor Young

Victor Schertzinger

Harlan Thompson



Road to Singapore

Comedy Romance

The 1940's hottest movie trio - Bob Hope, Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour - chart a course for comedy and romance in Road to Singapore. Running out on his stuffy desk job and marriage-minded girlfriend, Josh Mallon (Crosby) links up with sailor-buddy Ace (Hope) and sets sail for the farthest point on the map - Singapore. On the exotic island of Kaigoon, they meet Mima (Lamour), a lovely young dancer cruelly dominated by her whip-cracking partner-fiance (Anthony Quinn). Josh and Ace rescue Mima, who moves into their shack, cooks, cleans, sings - and quickly becomes the object of their wise-cracking war for her affections. A top grosser of 1940, Singapore was the initial entry in the legendary Hope-Crosby-Lamour Road series that delighted movie-goers for over 20 fun-filled years.


1 hr 25 min