
Tell No One: The B-Side

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This lengthy domestic exclusive explores the filmmakers' adaptation of the original novel, changes made to the cinematic version, casting, the production itself, and director Guillaume Canet's efforts and work. It's a candid, well-conceived documentary that kept me entertained and engaged throughout. Harlan Coben, the author of Tell No One, talks about the film adaptation and how actor-director Guillaume Canet approached it. Later on, the director also shares his thoughts on the film while we see plenty of raw footage from the shooting process. Also, there is footage from Studio Labo M2 where the film's soundtrack was recorded. Finally, there are plenty of scattered comments from the cast addressing the film production.

Alain Attal, Harlan Coben, Bastien Duval, Bastien Duval, Guillaume Canet, Geoffroy Degouy, Jean Rochefort, Philippe Lefebvre, Geoffroy Degouy

Bastien Duval

Alain Attal



Tell No One: The B-Side


This lengthy domestic exclusive explores the filmmakers' adaptation of the original novel, changes made to the cinematic version, casting, the production itself, and director Guillaume Canet's efforts and work. It's a candid, well-conceived documentary that kept me entertained and engaged throughout. Harlan Coben, the author of Tell No One, talks about the film adaptation and how actor-director Guillaume Canet approached it. Later on, the director also shares his thoughts on the film while we see plenty of raw footage from the shooting process. Also, there is footage from Studio Labo M2 where the film's soundtrack was recorded. Finally, there are plenty of scattered comments from the cast addressing the film production.


0 hr 56 min