
The Heartbreak Kid

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Ben Stiller stars as Eddie, the 40-year-old confirmed bachelor who finally says "I do" to the beautiful and sexy Lila (Malin Akerman). But during their honeymoon in Mexico, the woman of his dreams turns out to be a total nightmare, and the guy who could never pull the trigger realizes he’s jumped the gun. The Farrelly Brothers’ hysterical twist on boy-meets-girl, The Heartbreak Kid, prepare to have a blast!

John Davis, Ben Stiller, Matthew F. Leonetti, Malin Åkerman, Michelle Monaghan, Bobby Farrelly, Jerry Stiller, Bobby Farrelly, Rob Corddry, Peter Farrelly

Peter Farrelly



The Heartbreak Kid

Comedy Romance

Ben Stiller stars as Eddie, the 40-year-old confirmed bachelor who finally says "I do" to the beautiful and sexy Lila (Malin Akerman). But during their honeymoon in Mexico, the woman of his dreams turns out to be a total nightmare, and the guy who could never pull the trigger realizes he’s jumped the gun. The Farrelly Brothers’ hysterical twist on boy-meets-girl, The Heartbreak Kid, prepare to have a blast!


1 hr 55 min