
The Motel

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Puberty sucks, and nobody knows it better than 13-year-old Ernest. As he watches guests come and go, Ernest finds himself forever stuck at his family’s hourly-rate motel. He is forced to divide his time between taking orders from his overbearing mom, cleaning up after the miscreant quests staying at the motel, and longing for the girl of his dreams, 15-year-old Christine. He lacks the courage to tell her how he feels, that is until charismatic Sam Kim checks into the motel and takes fatherless Ernest for a wild ride toward manhood, for better or worse.

Nathan Larson, Nathan Larson, Jeffrey Chyau, Sung Kang, Gina Kwon, Jade Wu, Susan Shopmaker, Shane Valentino, Samantha Futerman, Miguel Arteta, Alexis Chang

Michael Kang



The Motel

Comedy Drama

Puberty sucks, and nobody knows it better than 13-year-old Ernest. As he watches guests come and go, Ernest finds himself forever stuck at his family’s hourly-rate motel. He is forced to divide his time between taking orders from his overbearing mom, cleaning up after the miscreant quests staying at the motel, and longing for the girl of his dreams, 15-year-old Christine. He lacks the courage to tell her how he feels, that is until charismatic Sam Kim checks into the motel and takes fatherless Ernest for a wild ride toward manhood, for better or worse.


1 hr 15 min