
Vatos Locos 2

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Mickey, born near El Piño, a veteran of the streets, finds that his past finally caught up to him when his family is literally slaughtered in front of his eyes. Mickey enlists a beautiful, mysterious nun (Paz De La Huerta) who secretly is a mercenary for hire. She obtains info after personally placing a hit on the Chinese mob who gunned down Mickey's Chicano family on the streets of East L.A. Mickey gets busted for the crime with no way out until a brilliant attorney (Angus Mcafayden) finds a way to make a deal that the prosecutors cannot refuse. Death to their own family. Mickey gets out and under close observation from the Feds he must take out his vengeance on the Chinese family fronted by white Mafia hitman (William McNamara). Mickey brings in his people from the East L.A. hood to act out his act of vengeance.

Paz de la Huerta, Damian Chapa, William McNamara, Mariano Mendoza



Vatos Locos 2

Action Crime Drama Thriller

Mickey, born near El Piño, a veteran of the streets, finds that his past finally caught up to him when his family is literally slaughtered in front of his eyes. Mickey enlists a beautiful, mysterious nun (Paz De La Huerta) who secretly is a mercenary for hire. She obtains info after personally placing a hit on the Chinese mob who gunned down Mickey's Chicano family on the streets of East L.A. Mickey gets busted for the crime with no way out until a brilliant attorney (Angus Mcafayden) finds a way to make a deal that the prosecutors cannot refuse. Death to their own family. Mickey gets out and under close observation from the Feds he must take out his vengeance on the Chinese family fronted by white Mafia hitman (William McNamara). Mickey brings in his people from the East L.A. hood to act out his act of vengeance.


1 hr 21 min