Season 1

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Dan Phillips is a 30-something bartender who lives and works in the ordinary city of Wessex. Dan's had the same friends since grade school, his most prized possession is a vintage Ms. Pac-Man game and his last serious relationship was with a girl who is now engaged to someone else. His life seems to be firmly on the path to more of the same... until a chance comment suddenly puts him in the running for mayor of Wessex.

Kevin White, Fred Ewanuick, Mary Ashton, Mark Farrell, Paul Mather, Paul Bates, Benjamin Ayres




Dan for Mayor


Dan Phillips is a 30-something bartender who lives and works in the ordinary city of Wessex. Dan's had the same friends since grade school, his most prized possession is a vintage Ms. Pac-Man game and his last serious relationship was with a girl who is now engaged to someone else. His life seems to be firmly on the path to more of the same... until a chance comment suddenly puts him in the running for mayor of Wessex.


0 hr 22 min