Richard Edson headshot

Richard Edson

ActorView in Flikflix
Richard Edson (born January 1, 1954) is an American actor and musician. He was born in New Rochelle, New York to a Jewish family. Edson was a founding member of the San Francisco art rock band The Alterboys. He started his acting career on screen in the feature film, Stranger Than Paradise (1984). Since then, he has been known for his roles in Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986), Do The Right Thing (1989), Super Mario Bros. (1993) and Strange Days (1995).


Richard Edson


Richard Edson (born January 1, 1954) is an American actor and musician. He was born in New Rochelle, New York to a Jewish family. Edson was a founding member of the San Francisco art rock band The Alterboys. He started his acting career on screen in the feature film, Stranger Than Paradise (1984). Since then, he has been known for his roles in Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986), Do The Right Thing (1989), Super Mario Bros. (1993) and Strange Days (1995).


Place of Birth
New Rochelle, New York, USA
Known Credits