
Bass, Amaryllis

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Bass Amarillo was looking for "his own sound". He sings he shouts, he thumps. But his sound was hard to find. "This is not the sound I want to hear! The journey to find the sound continues sadly. The sounds and images that are repeated over and over again eventually reach the audience's antennae in the form of pop music. The film's main point is to show the video generation's visual play on film. This is the real image of young people who are now trying to run at the cutting edge.

Shuji Yamashita, Masaaki Sumioka, Masaaki Sumioka, Masaaki Sumioka, Yamamoto Yasuharu, Masaaki Sumioka, Nakahara Mutsuki, Masaaki Sumioka, Furukawa Hiroshi

Masaaki Sumioka



Bass, Amaryllis

Bass Amarillo was looking for "his own sound". He sings he shouts, he thumps. But his sound was hard to find. "This is not the sound I want to hear! The journey to find the sound continues sadly. The sounds and images that are repeated over and over again eventually reach the audience's antennae in the form of pop music. The film's main point is to show the video generation's visual play on film. This is the real image of young people who are now trying to run at the cutting edge.


0 hr 39 min