
John Farrow: Hollywood’s Man in the Shadows

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John Farrow: Hollywood’s Man in the Shadows is the first documentary ever made about one of Hollywood’s most prolific yet forgotten filmmakers, John Villiers Farrow (1904 -1963). Part mystery, part biography, part film noir – the documentary follows the stranger than fiction story of this Australian born, Oscar-winning filmmaker. As one of Hollywood’s most enigmatic f igures, Farrow was the director of some 50 films; a sailor, a poet, a war hero, best-selling author, a religious scholar, a family man and a philanderer – a man who lived many lives – yet who left behind no memoirs, no interviews and no archival footage – and who today is only a shadow in the pages of film history.

Sam Petty, Sam Petty, Margaret Pomeranz, David Stratton, Frans Vandenburg, Phillip Noyce, Frans Vandenburg, Philippe Mora, Susan Lumsdon

Frans Vandenburg

Claude Gonzalez



John Farrow: Hollywood’s Man in the Shadows


John Farrow: Hollywood’s Man in the Shadows is the first documentary ever made about one of Hollywood’s most prolific yet forgotten filmmakers, John Villiers Farrow (1904 -1963). Part mystery, part biography, part film noir – the documentary follows the stranger than fiction story of this Australian born, Oscar-winning filmmaker. As one of Hollywood’s most enigmatic f igures, Farrow was the director of some 50 films; a sailor, a poet, a war hero, best-selling author, a religious scholar, a family man and a philanderer – a man who lived many lives – yet who left behind no memoirs, no interviews and no archival footage – and who today is only a shadow in the pages of film history.


1 hr 36 min